19 February 2006

the end of a dream called 'school'

Hello again!

It's me, Dragos! ;)

I've entered in the house just 5 minutes ago and my first thought was to write the things that I felt today.
After the most intense week spent at school this year with 2 exams and 3 projects, friday came and with it another exam: Management. (just for the record: I think I will pass it with a good grade;) ) No problems until here, nothing unusual. After the exam I decided to go to some colleagues of mine that live in the same apartment and when I arrived there I found them packing their belongings, mostly clothes. After that, they started packing the computers. That was the moment when I realized that this time they are leaving for good.
Just then it struck me: today was THE LAST day of faculty. Our 4.5 years of university and 16.5 years of school stop here. This is the FINISH LINE.
I’m standing here thinking… what meant THE UNIVERSITY for me? What are the things that I’ve learned here ? Am I smarter, better, more educated, a specialist, an exponent of the society? Yes, maybe I am. But I think there’s more to it. Beyond all the classes, courses, evaluations, experiments, teachers, colleagues, the University meant much more to me: meeting new people with same age and preoccupations, AIESEC, huge opportunity to travel, to discover, to grow, to live and taste life at the fullest, to stand up for my beliefs, to make myself noticed. The University gave me a broad perspective, made me expand my horizons, made me think globally and responsibly, made what I am today. I can’t even imagine what my life would be without it…
Today, this nice dream called school has come to an end.
What I feel now is very well said in the next lines: (the text is form a book “My life, my tapes” by Scott Frost, a book that marked my adolescence very much). It is in romanian:

“Tot ce a existat candva drag, familiar, in acest loc, nu mai este. Oameni, cladiri, sunete si mirosuri au disparut. Iar ce a ramas, nu-mi apartine. Sunt un calator prin timp, rascolind trecutul asemeni unui arheolog, sperand sa descopar secrete uitate sau macar niste borne care sa-mi arate drumul spre ziua de maine. Nu gasesc nici una, nici alta. Nu-ti poti cunoaste trecutul, la fel cum nu-ti poti prevedea viitorul.”

Until next time!

2006 - the crossroad


Not so much time ago a new year started – 2006. It’s started like usual: in the middle of a party and surrounded by dear friends. It’s started like always with new hopes, new dreams, new objectives, even new friends.

I was just standing and thinking in the winter holidays what I am going to do in the next year, in 2006. Just then I realized the major importance and the CROSSROAD that lays ahead of my life. (I don’t know what’s going on, but it feels very weird to type “my life”). Here’s an insight of my thoughts, hopes, roads…

1. Graduation – it’s the key event happening this year. I will finish my faculty. It’s the most important because graduation triggers other events that will change my life in a way that I will never be capable to change it back. Five years of student life will be over. Some say that this is the best part of a man’s life and for all I know they might be right.

2. AIESEC – probably this chapter of my life will be over too. My status of active member will turn into Alumnus. It will be hard to give up AIESEC because my last 3 years were and still are focused on AIESEC. The key to a smooth transition is to find another big preoccupation to fill the free time. I hope I’ll find something otherwise I don’t see myself very good.

3. Get workin’ – Yep…I have to find a job. This is also an 180 degrees turn: new friends, new activity, more money ;). I don’t know if you realize this but the job takes at least 1/3 of your active part of life. It can make out of you a “walkin’ success” or a “low life loser”. So it’s pretty important.

These main events will change my life in a way total unknown for me.
But one thing though I wish to happen this year for me and that is travel or/and work abroad. It’s something that I never experienced before and it might give me new perspectives on life.

See ya soon!
